Cook for the Homeless

Project 4 All is an all-inclusive organization who’s mantra is “Cook for the Homeless”. Our aim is to find likeminded members of our community and work together so we can help people in need. Although our work is primarily for those on the streets, we also help people/families who (although they may have a roof over their heads now) are struggling and without some help, may well find themselves in a terrible position before long.

What exactly do we do?

We currently deliver hot meals to people on the streets and in need 4 days a week, providing over 1600 meals per month from Javea to Albir & Benidorm. We also collect and distribute donated clothes, blankets, tents, hygiene products and shoes etc. However, these are the keys we use to open the door to get to know our beloved friends. We get to know them, find out what they need and try and be there when they need us. The human contact, attention and love is the most important gift we bring to people’s lives, so many have been left behind, ignored, dehumanized and abused, leaving them feeling worthless and unimportant – well that changes when PROJECT 4 ALL hits the streets and it’s great to see people after they’ve had some positivity and care injected into their day.

There are numerous ways in which we can support our friends, we help with laundry, taking them home for showers and a meal, medical help, rehabilitation, documents, repatriation, housing and many other ways. Our aim is to support our friends as much as we can and not only get them rehoused but to continue to support them and integrate them back into society and keep them close.

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